Think back 15-20 years. How old were you? Do you remember the world without Internet, video calls, online presentations and virtual reality? It’s hard to imagine our life without it now.
However, a few decades ago we watched sci-fi movies and were mesmerized by the idea of seeing each other on the phone screen when talking.
Today, you can see more and more businesses, schools and courses go online. If you haven’t done any FB or YouTube lives, Instagram IGTV or stories, video conferences, webinars and Zoom meetings, then you’ll probably have to do it in the nearest future.
Let me share 5 easy tricks how you can become a master of virtual presentations.
Add more lighting
If you tell me your words matter more than the picture on the screen, I’ll agree. However, there’re much more visual learners than auditory learners in the world. And the picture on the screen is what people see first.
If your video looks too dark and unattractive, the audience might not even want to listen to your words.
How can you add more lighting? Very easy. If you don’t have professional lights for photo or video shooting, simply buy several LED lamps and set them in the room as an addition to your ceiling lighting. Make sure at least one of them is directed at you. Then you’ll have nice sparks in your eyes on the video.
Improve the sound
Bad quality sound can spoil your message just as much as bad lighting can ruin your picture. Don’t ever speak without any microphone. If you don’t want to invest into a good quality one, at least use a regular headset or earphones with a mic.
I’ve been using my AirPods for FB lives and videos, a Sennheiser headset for webinars and online classes, and a PowerDeWise lapel mic for recording my voice when creating online video lessons.
Look into the camera, not on the screen
This is a no-brainer, yet most everybody makes this mistake. I remember my first webinar. My colleague and I were looking at ourselves on the screen and not in the camera the whole time. Later, our students told us how ridiculous it looked. It was as if we were talking to ourselves, or cared too much of what we looked.
So, make sure you look in or very close to that little dot that is a camera on your phone or computer.
Interact and diversify
When you present online, it’s easy to lose your audience’s attention. They will most likely start doing something else on their computer while listening to you. So, be creative.
If there’re too many people in the audience, ask them to type in something simple. Ask an easy question so they have to put in “yes” or “no”. Every once in a while invite them to interact with you by typing an answer in the chat.
Also, make sure to change activities and ways of presenting. If you show a PP presentation, switch modes and do a talking head sometimes. If you only talk without a presentation, show them a prop or share your screen and show a picture every now and then.
Remember your body language and vocal variety
We all know the power of our voice and body language. When you give a virtual presentation or shoot a video, your smart appropriate gestures and right vocal variety are even more important.
People are far from you, so you need to increase the level of your energy a few degrees to achieve the same result. Make pauses, use a confident strong low pitch voice with falling inflection.
Don’t gesture too much, but also don’t stand like a statue when speaking on camera. Show your passion, move your arms above your waist and use gestures to emphasize the message.
Your Turn
Which of these tips are most useful for you? Would you like to learn more about Public Speaking? Join my FREE 3-Week Presentation Skills Bootcamp. You’ll learn, practice, get professional coaching and feedback from me and your peers. We’ll cover both virtual and in-person presentations. The Bootcamp starts on Monday, so join TODAY!